Bookcase Location: BOTTOM SHELF – Honorable Mention
Somewhat outdated, this compendium is larded with a repetitive human-interest narration (‘he grew up the son of a master baker, in the little town of…. went to the École of Culinary Arts to study under master patissieur… apprenticed with master chocolatier….’ the whole litany to the resume). Each chocolatier’s entry contains wispy-thin ‘tasting notes’ (e.g., this was an interesting selection with refreshing combinations that tasted fresh) which often amount to a recapitulation of the ingredients (this gianduja had dark chocolate in it with hazelnut & a ganache of old hag’s tooth [just checking to make sure you’re not reading this]). All in all, a real testament & proof positive that Chantal busted open a lot of boxes of chocolate.More critically, her ratings based on a 5-star system get it, for the most part, right.