Kickstart this Mother

C-spotters, Madre Chocolate (Spanish for ‘mother’) released its inaugural bars last year. They were so promising &, moreover, positively inventive (Triple Cacáo with pulp, or the maple-likeness of rosita flowers also known as Cacahuaxochitl) that the...

What about Valrhona

Valrhona Le Noir Extra Amer 85% & 71% (and Valrhona Alpaco 66%) Hunting up the dark at Trader Joe’s? You’ll notice TJ’s stocks enough dark chocolate to befuddle the wisest among us. I’ve stood in the chocolate section for long minutes on...

A Visit to Chocolopolis

If you’re serious about Seattle’s dark side, you need to drop by <a href=””>Chocolopolis</a> in Queen Anne. Try their weekly happy hour, Thursdays, 5 to 9pm. Last week was staff picks — a lovely...

Taking Taza

Taza Stone Ground Dark Organic Chocolate In 70% & 80% 3 ounce (85g) bars When it’s time to go high-end, wrap your mouth around the words “artisan chocolate.” Say it a few times until it rolls smoothly off your tongue. Not so smooth? That’s...

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