Brazilian Milk
by Choklat
Flavor: A Vanishing Act.
After a good start, this bar disintegrates into anti-matter faster than pulling on a loose thread only to quickly discover that the whole shirt has unraveled.
After a good start, this bar disintegrates into anti-matter faster than pulling on a loose thread only to quickly discover that the whole shirt has unraveled.
Appearance 3.6 / 5
Color: | amarillo brown |
Surface: | brush-stroked |
Temper: | absorbent sheen |
Snap: | sputters; striated edge |
Aroma 7.1 / 10
vanilla toffee & Canadian Oka cheese (nut paste & mild caulk)
Mouthfeel 7.5 / 15
Texture: | porn storm: plastic wax / extreme breast-enhancement sends eaters on a fools errand to... |
Melt: | ... slippery sliding |
Flavor 33.2 / 50
vanilla malt -> good MC hit / nice cocoa edge -> peanut -> then the wax is on... & the savor disappears beneath waves of pure steam-cleaned cocoa butter to grease the skids where it’s all downhill from there in a tumbrel to... not quite the kiss of death, just a flat bland finish into a malted bed of hay
Quality 10.8 / 20
How to turn 8 into 48 (percentage of cacáo-content, that is): a fat magic act... as in honest-to-goodness fat / cocoa butter makes for a pussycat of a “Dark-Milk”, just buttered into obesity & oblivion (NOTE: the best way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories).
What Askinosie’s El Rustico is to Dark, this is to Milk Choc – both are really vanilla bars in disguise.
If Choklat would just let it rip BUT ONCE ('oh please purrty please'), let its guard down & remove the vanilla-butter mask to show how it interprets chocolate according to its own personal pleasure principles, instead of always playing to market LCDs with focus group-tested product, there might be something to discuss here.
Then again, money's more important than discussion.
A let-down of a blob considering that this Brazilian bean seems to have qualities worth revealing.
Reviewed Spring 2010
What Askinosie’s El Rustico is to Dark, this is to Milk Choc – both are really vanilla bars in disguise.
If Choklat would just let it rip BUT ONCE ('oh please purrty please'), let its guard down & remove the vanilla-butter mask to show how it interprets chocolate according to its own personal pleasure principles, instead of always playing to market LCDs with focus group-tested product, there might be something to discuss here.
Then again, money's more important than discussion.
A let-down of a blob considering that this Brazilian bean seems to have qualities worth revealing.
Reviewed Spring 2010