Appearance 3.4 / 5
Color: | pink sandstone |
Surface: | rugged wear look |
Temper: | semi-sheen |
Snap: | sensitive |
Aroma 7.9 / 10
earth under girding marshmallows ‘n cream; red fruits on rubdown
Mouthfeel 12 / 15
Texture: | thick duct-tape grip (befits early flavors) |
Melt: | fudge eroded by liquid calm (suits later flavors) |
Flavor 43.6 / 50
lactose/sugar flush rimrocked on malted grain -> caramel -> nimbostratus marshmallow cloud -> rains cashew cream -> floating subliminal wreath of strawberries / blond cherries & hibiscus / pink orchids (greatest of them all: vanilla)... all w/ lotus-like Monet lightness
Quality 17.9 / 20
CBS ratio: over half weighs in Sugar, a third Butterfat, & the meager remainder - Cocoa mass. Yet all doubts surrounding Colombian cacáo, & Santander, dispelled. DMC for another reason: nearly Dark-Milk Chocolate in stature. Sugar countered by milk & chocolate, both seemingly recessive, yet their influential presence felt, their soft power launching several subliminal effects. If only a smoother take-off & ever-so-slightly greater definition (increase cacáo-content by a point or 2?), it’d rank among the greats of any class.