

by Mānoa
Info Details
Country USA   
Type Semi-Dark   (72%; Batch 202.10/14)
Strain Criollo   (probable)
Source Hawai'i USA   (Oahu; Waiahole)
Flavor Twang   
Style retro-American      
Gotta just luv these Hawaiian names -- Waiahole (pronounced 'why a hoe lay').

Here's another okolehao -- a traditional draught in Hawai'i made with ti plants (Cordyline fruticosa, an ornamental flower with sweet, starchy rhizomes that ferment well into a liquor).

Okolehao Chocolate... errrr, Waiahole Chocolate from Dylan Butterbaugh & the rest of his mixologists at the Mānoa Chocolate Distillery... err, Factory.
Appearance   4.2 / 5
Color: gorgeous orange-creamsicle
Surface: wild motion sickness on the back
Temper: plastic-wrapper glazed
Snap: limp biscuit
Aroma   7.8 / 10
black-lava flows into blackberry-coffee
Mouthfeel   13.2 / 15
Texture: butter...
Melt: ... all the way
Flavor   41.9 / 50
low-light beginning (cocoa butter white) -> banana cream to atemoya (a cross between sweetsop x cherimoya) -> bamboo underling meets up with souring wampi (a yellowish subacid approximating tart gooseberry) -> goes to palm, then lime + some indeterminate tropical fruit (throwin' a bone to the trop fruit-heads in chocodom... k, the incredibly sweet duku) -> bottoms up alcohol
Quality   15.1 / 20
Seedlings from one (mother?) tree constitute a highly homogeneous cacáo orchard in Waiahole where red-pods hang from the boughs, about the only tint from an otherwise colorless tapestry to this type. For instance, they produce scant pulp of limited succulence. Pale cacáo seeds complete the over-riding bereft nature of it all.

So be it... it makes for one unusually unique chocolate.

Mānoa guesstimates its way thru the craft via trial 'n error even as it adheres, however, to a general principle of light roast on light seeds... & to good advantage.

Texture indicates either genetics of soft lipids &/or ample shear in the refining. Flavor, however, suggests inadequate oxidation during the conching, as well as probably in the aerobic phase of fermentation.

Still, whether a happy hour accident or some mad genius science, Dylan Butterbaugh of Mānoa digs a watering hole of distilled chocolate from these Waiahole seeds. Basically a filled flask in a solid portable bar.

INGREDIENTS: cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter

Reviewed July 9, 2013


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