
Info Details
Country France   
Type Flavored   (White Chocolate; Strawberry)
Strain Amazon   
Source Ivory Coast   (+ probable Indonesia)
Flavor Sugar   (backed by Fruits / Flowers)
Style Mainstream      
Fraize... a printing error or just Bonnat trimming, tribbing, & popping some blanc snizzle in da hizzy? In either event, not of a garden cherry variety but a wild fraise (French for 'strawberry') with a 'Z'. He himself acknowledges, in big bold letters on the wrapper (click image at right to enlarge), "la tablette de confiserie qui ne se prend pas au sérieux" (a candy that doesn't take itself seriously). And then advises "pour croquer ("for eating")

In that spirit, let's get right down to it: brouter le gazon aka 'chocolingus'.

The kind of fruit bunny that would rouse the balladeer François Villon. He the French poet, barroom brawler, vagabond, thief, & lady killer.

In his Ballade des Dames du Temps Jadis ('Ballad of Women of Yore') he asks "Mais où sont les neiges d'antan?" ("Where are the snows of yesteryear?") Bonnat answers with this bar. Fraize -- probably what pre-inspired Villon to exclaim “I’m so wild about your strawberry mouth...”

Mais oui, it'd get him off his slow tempos & everyone else off their leaden ass to sing La Bouche's "Be My Lover" track in a karaoke bar.
Appearance   4.4 / 5
Color: spangled ivory
Surface: visual fornication
Temper: flat to the bone
Snap: silent subrosa killer
Aroma   7.9 / 10
butterscotch & maple-cream break thru a coating of casein
Mouthfeel   13.5 / 15
Texture: flesh & guts
Melt: protracted protrusion
Flavor   44.4 / 50
cake frosting -> soft strawberry ice-cream -> combines for strawberry icing -> peaks on a berry seedy climax
Quality   17.8 / 20
Both visual & flavorful fornication.

Full-throttle confection. Cette minette (look it up if interested) just wants to romp. Good pip & pep from the berries.

Lies somewhere between a 69 or a 96 on the rating scale... like 88.

INGREDIENTS: cocoa butter, sugar, milk powder, dried strawberries

Reviewed August 12, 2013


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