A sip from the nip. The last bar mommy nurses her baby on before weaning him off the milk for good. Or, the 1st bar dark addicts bite during recovery therapy on their way back to infantile regressions. .
Appearance 4.7 / 5
Color: | rich & multihued: orange-red / dark topaz blends to a violet-umber (simultaneously cool & warm) |
Surface: | proud coat-of-arms |
Temper: | lacquered |
Snap: | smooth talker |
Aroma 8 / 10
bonoxious & bumptious even for a very Dark-Milk: pops a chocolate cherry (coconut bark & coffee underneath; + cinnamon for love); parmesan on the rubdown
Mouthfeel 13.1 / 15
Texture: | upper middleweight feels a lot lighter, almost impalpable |
Melt: | even pump |
Flavor 43.4 / 50
coconut + blanched almond cream blanket a buried cherry -> low gliding MC (Milk Choc) skirts closer to the ground (shadowing wood, coffee, dirt), kept aloft by dairy & that residual fruit -> skims along surface level to a glade, increasingly darker & wooden (cottons a sort of reverse time-lapse clearing in the forest)... approaching a rare sensation: tobacco milk w/ cinnamon (special quasi-Criollo moment in chocodom) -> closes down mocha; mite cheese in the aft-taste
Quality 17.6 / 20
Well-executed. At 70%, once the threshold for Dark-Milk (along with Hershey's São Tomé) until eclipsed by Maya Santander. Results suggest it can climb even higher. No real caramel tones but just a little bit of milk makes a big difference, training the tannins to button the bitterness down & smooth over the concourse of a pretty stern roast. Woodland dirt indicates beans possibly sourced from San Principe (home to that other innovative Italian - Claudio Corallo) &, with that fraction of milk, carries echos from Java.