
Awajun; Gorilla Virunga; Gorilla Milk

by Chocolat Makers
Info Details
Country Netherlands   
Type Dark   
Strain Amazon   
Source Congo   (& Peru)
Flavor Earthen   
Style Rustic      
A Chocolate Trifecta –- 3 reviews in 1. Overall rating & metrics (upper right) reflect a composite average of each bar's individual measures.


An English name for a Dutch company. Chocolate crosses boundaries like that.

To play along with this transnational dimension… 在國際語言 der Weltbürger, c’est huo en todas partes: supergood.

Needs no translation but: (Chinese) In the int'l language (German) of global citizens, (French) it’s (Swahili) the same (Spanish) everywhere: good.
Appearance   3.7 / 5
Color: contrasting hues to the browns
Surface: routine
Temper: shady
Snap: knucklers
Aroma   7.1 / 10
nuttin' special (leather, tea, wood) & then a strawberry leaf / sepal

Gorilla Bar
another downcast bar hi-lit only by a roasted flint

Gorilla Milk
caramelized orange-milk
Mouthfeel   11.9 / 15
Texture: granular
Melt: plodding
Flavor   45 / 50
cocoa loco -> coffee -> burnt edging around some indecipherable faint fruit (call it very subliminal strawberry) -> ground nuts -> keeps on recycling on itself

Gorilla Bar
gorgeously inflected chocolate base with jujube -> maintains this poise thru a glade of edible mushrooms -> sweetens back to fruit but this time lighter / juicier (cara cara orange) -> strong dezz nut bends to the close -> browns out on fig

Gorilla Milk
tongue confirms the nose
orange-gilded Milk Chocolate caramel… eventually reaches a dark vein of cocoa-dairy as though the cow's udder scrapes up against cacáo's tannins, so active / dynamic a pro-biotic interaction -> umami pings everywhere...
Quality   16.2 / 20
A Norandino co-op product (the planters responsible for Tumbes among others) of a very loosely defined "Criollo" tree stock (re: grandpa's trees more than any pedigree).
Sweet for an 80%, at least initially. Base flavors / basic bar. Something's in there; just hard to draw them out.
INGREDIENTS: cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter

Gorilla Bar
68% cacáo-content
Substantial complexity within a matrix of solid chocolate constancy. Plays a bit bigger than its 68% weight lets on. Reconfirms that Virunga Congo delivers the goods -- consistently.
INGREDIENTS: cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter

Gorilla Milk
One salty cow.
Because of it, as with the Gorilla Bar, this too punches up in weight class, a 37% that truly / easily tips the scales deep into Dark-Milk territory, more so than many 45%+ bars.
INGREDIENTS: cocoa mass, milk powder, sugar, cocoa butter

Capsule Summary
Exudes an early-stage passion & craft that strikes infectiously. As such a lot of character & charm work their way thru these bars to a greater degree than many "better" über-refined chocolates.

Reviewed May 11, 2015


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