Coppeneur's stock continues to rise. The archetypal Jamaican bar. Shimmering contrast of night & day pastels, deceptively increases depth on an origin that rarely has any... meshing well into the pleasure-zone & sending taste buds on a permanent chocolate vacation.
Appearance 5 / 5
Color: | browner than most Coppeneurs, w/ festive orange too |
Surface: | none better |
Temper: | glints |
Snap: | plinks right off; fine cleave |
Aroma 9 / 10
sensationally light juniper chocolate-coral beautifies some sticky sweetsop; bolder underbelly of smoked almond & cedar woods
Mouthfeel 12.8 / 15
Texture: | good weight |
Melt: | well-syncopated |
Flavor 45.1 / 50
flash caramel -> quasi Milk-Chocolate -> dasheen -> sweetsop (apple custard) -> canned peach -> blanched almond / cedar effacing the sweetness & insinuates a foggy bottom w/ slightly inky / carob-like quill -> rum cocoa-cola; more almond w/ juniper pine, in the after-math
Quality 18.6 / 20
Nicely impressionistic & taste very site-specific. The only downside: a bit trim & diaphanous, leaving little imprint or reverberation - a characteristic more of this denomination ( Jamaica) than anything due to the manufacturer; for Coppeneur is currently doing some of the most biomechanically active work (seed selection / processing) on the planet. Gone are the days when they Pralus'd (i.e., scorch roasted) everything. Now each strain is carefully identified then measured before calibrating the processing - a custodial research chain in which their database & lexicon have grown exponentially, making Oliver Coppeneur & his partner Georg Bernardini the sequoia-superdudes in the field of sheltering cacáo. Astonishing; they've taken their game to a level the competition will soon fear... or ignore at their own peril. CBS ~3:5:3