S-B’s twin-horned Ibex dressed in a forked swallowtail: one side caramel-toffee, the other herban earth which, once fully masticated, develops deepening & darkening progression sinking toward the edge of the abyss without falling into it.
Appearance 4.7 / 5
stylized mold w/ S-B’s centerfold Ibex posing proudly
stylized mold w/ S-B’s centerfold Ibex posing proudly
Color: | light-dependent... from camel in the sun, to pueblo & orange-crushed brown in room light |
Surface: | A-1: perfect evenly-corrugated front / crenulated underside |
Temper: | shiny flashbacks |
Snap: | broken brick shears off cleanly, exposing nib pockets |
Aroma 8.1 / 10
woodnut paste undercutting top layered caramel
Mouthfeel 11.8 / 15
Texture: | ruggedly soft nib & grip |
Melt: | lolly masticator |
Flavor 44.2 / 50
breaks, bites, & crunches right off on toffee -> buttered almonds -> milk infusion -> roasted caramel rolled in pink salt; just when all seems said & done, it forks treacle dark, the throughput of nibs finally taking effect & ricocheting off milk acids -> St. John’s bread (carob) blends up chicory au lait & goes Bosco at the very back
Quality 18.4 / 20
Nibs in milk? Innovative. Expert control: S-B installs chicory-smoked nibs into leaner formulation of its 41% milk choc base. CBS 1:2:2. Rocks & breaks the box – literally & figuratively.