Extroverted fruit-bar wants to get busy - in fact, does get busy - but seemingly with no real job to do, goes thru the motions (w’all seen that colleague - working hard at hardly working) in a light-footed dance.
Appearance 3.1 / 5
Color: | medium corduroy brown |
Surface: | splotched, dimpled, & whorled |
Temper: | lackluster |
Snap: | plunk |
Aroma 7 / 10
M.O.R.: primary - raspberry/cherry; secondary – petrol vanilla/chocolate -> dusky briar wood floor; taken together, a new browned fruit -> haight-ashberry
Mouthfeel 12.8 / 15
Texture: | so uniform & smooth virtually imperceptible |
Melt: | rapid, practically gulpable melt |
Flavor 42.3 / 50
chocolate prologue -> supercharged red rays: raspberry zips to sweeter cherry -> turns white, near clear, soft citrus dazzle (slight lean toward tamarind) -> fruit evens out by a dirty back bitter bite -> late final flavor coffee + long low bitter overhang
Quality 16.6 / 20
Everyday workwoman-like chocolate. Decent, if asymmetrical, contour that lacks body weight despite long-length. An angular point chaser.