

by Casa Luker
Info Details
Country Colombia   
Type Semi-Dark   (53%)
Strain Pandora   (Amazon)
Source Colombia   (Tumaco; Granja Luker)
Flavor Earthen   
Style Industrial      
Identity theft on multiple fronts (& they got lucky & got away with it)
Appearance   3.8 / 5
Color: classic warm fuzzy-wuzzy chocolate brown
Surface: hasty
Temper: dim shine / overcast
Snap: soft thud hurt by a thin mold; nicely sanded edge
Aroma   8.4 / 10
return of the VOG (Vanilla Oak Giant) in a Santander identity theft: sweet & warm marshmallows & choc chip cookies drenched in vanilla
Mouthfeel   13.1 / 15
Texture: hardly a match for the expanding marshmallows in the flavor but big for semisweet class, slightly gelatinous, padded w/ lecithin
Melt: a flobot
Flavor   37.6 / 50
billowing chocolate marshmallows -> coffee begins the process of bringing them down -> peanut -> charred Oreo cookie shell (shades of Venchi) all the way to the long distance end where a burnt crimson (black cherry) drops the curtain
Quality   14.8 / 20
“Dark” Luker for the masses; commits all sorts of wrongs & everything comes out alright. The sweet power of sugar... which can quell even severely torched beans. At this percentage, chocolate usually becomes a delivery-system for sugar but, again, largely because of the heavy roasting, cacáo beans cut thru the sweetness & avoid excesss cloying normally associated with 53%. Still, a deeply flawed bar masking its scars with ample vanilla, lecithin, & sugar.

Luker’s constant approach throughout their entire line-up (the quartet of Extra Dark 85, Dark 70, Dark 65, & this Semi-Dark 53) - varying only the sugar content (save for add'l cocoa powder in Dark 70) - provides a clear exposé on the effects of sugar, & where the optimal-point breaks for this particular bean between unbridled aggression at the upper range & the rather denuded profile at the bottom end here, which lends further credence th the ideal cacáo-content being, circumstantially, somewhere around 72% to 75%.

ING: sugar, cocoa mass, cacáo butter, soy lecithin, natural vanilla flavor


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