Appearance 3.9 / 5
Color: | brown & black joined by purple |
Surface: | scored in a lattice-work design of waves |
Temper: | semi-flat |
Snap: | thump |
Aroma 8.3 / 10
cocoa/leather/wood -> roasted smoke -> juniper berry + pepper
Mouthfeel 10.6 / 15
Texture: | dry as oatmeal |
Melt: | hard labor |
Flavor 44.8 / 50
drops in cocoa -> concentrated sweet of soft fruit punch (straw/blueberry + honey) stirs away to full-city coffee roast -> brazil nut husk -> juniper/banana leaf -> caramel fusion -> back to coffee tailspin
Quality 17.7 / 20
Rides the roast hotter than usual, even for a Nacional, which wipes out the Arriba florals, making for straighter chocolate spine. But the extra couple degrees of cane sugar add back a sappy sweetness that colors it in a fractionally unique way.