Ecuador 78
by Fine & RawImpact
Veritas odit moras ('truth hates delay') so let’s get right to it: traditional “raw” cacáo flavor (RE: flat), animated only in the act of swallowing, as vicious forces attack the GI tract, wrenching then pulling out the intestines – Bruce Lee style – to show you your guts. Morituri te salutamus ('we who are about to die salute you'), thou hashshashin of the senses.
Appearance 4.8 / 5
Color: | Ecuadorian purple |
Surface: | face scored in slats similar to the prince of organic/”fair-trade” – Dagoba; fudge swirls & nibs out back |
Temper: | polished |
Snap: | tenacious & sharp; sheered edge w/ gleaming crystals |
Aroma 6.9 / 10
semi-raw cocoa -> cactus & coconut -> peanut & almond nougat
Mouthfeel 10.7 / 15
Texture: | crunchy wax suited to rough ‘n rugged flavor |
Melt: | twitchy & astringent |
Flavor 14.4 / 50
evasive chocolate sniper -> agave hard on its heels controlling the progression to... nowhere really, except reflecting back to its prickly self -> cold bitter in rear recesses -> eventually tuberose & sisal -> camacho plant -> groaning vines & brambles in the dirt of the after-math toward a microbial fest (worms digesting molds, spores, bacteria, etc.)
Quality 3 / 20
Hi-watt temper held out hope that maybe this received a proper conche ala Divine Organics. Alas, no such luck. Raw as it ever was. Just how dead? At 22% agave annhilates cacáo until that after-life when cocoa dregs react to the beating by discombobulating the bowels. It takes massive balls to sell this stuff at all... let alone for $11. Three points in this category rating for audacity.