
The Grab Bag

by Various
Info Details
Country Japan   (+UK; +USA)
Source Ecuador   
Flavor Crossover   
Style New School      (x Mainstream)
So, after sampling thousands upon thousands of chocolates from all around the globe, including from some of the most far-flung places, it eventually becomes a process, notwithstanding the burgeoning barsmiths entering the scene, of diminishing returns / slim pickings.

It comes down to this: a grab bag of sundry castoffs left at the bottom of this season's bin; a motley slew undeserving their own review (well, at least for the most part).
Appearance   3.2 / 5

green tea Kit Kat®, kiddies
Color: a wild rainbow
Surface: semi-pro
Temper: murky
Snap: shredders
Aroma   6.8 / 10
from grassy matcha to vanilla cream & a crop dusting spray
Mouthfeel   11.5 / 15
Texture: variegated from...
Melt: … shattered to halting
Flavor   38.2 / 50
Green Tea Kit Kat®
Nestlé's® goes Japanese… literally (click image upper right to enlarge) & regionalizes its famed wafer sticks
tastes of saccharine child's gruel / farina… toss in a blender, add a little warm water, liquify & serve in a bottle; happy sucking...

White Chocolate Wasabi Kit Kat®
oh yeah, when baby turns cholic & time to shut its mouth, stick this sweet & spicy cracker down the gullet; in a couple decades after when realizing that they don't really want to grow up, expect a word of delayed thanks

Taza Peanut Crunch
quite the deconstructed progression: rice crisp -> chocolate -> sugar -> peanut -> salt… only later to recombine for massive caramel bangs accentuated by all the preceding
As with the 2 types of peanut butter (smooth & crunchy), so too chocolate. Taza, by way of its relatively unrefined house-style, combines coarse-on-crunch for a very rustic rendition of a Nestle's®-Snicker's® mashup & pulls it off rather flawlessly.

Chocoblog Ecuador 70%
Batch 5; Bar #2
Well, as the C-spot® discovered lo these many years, people can't eat words (ergo must be getting close to retirement for this site) despite what Scripture may counsel about man not living by bread alone (but sure as hell many do subsist solely on chocolate -- re: die-hard chocolatarians).
Curious therefore that something named Chocoblog would try to meld the twain which, at least in this particular case, is not entirely in vain.
Instead of totally dismal -- as in digesting ink, pencil erasers & the stank of dirty thumbs on keyboard screens -- it delivers coconut & cobwebs + sweet hibiscus, onto some vague cocoa ruminations before dry fabric wraps it all up. In other words, sumthin to talk about:: Chocoblog gives it the ol' college try. 2 hoorays from the cheerleading squad for effort.

Rogue Jamaica
Batch B4
Keeping up with the ecumenical theme from above, it strikes as downright sacrilegious to include Rogue amidst this random free-for-all of a grab bag. Perhaps THE elite barsmith in the galaxy today, Rogue always merits its own platform. Oh, WTFudge, with sincere apologies, yet more fodder to make the Roguester cranked by throwing it in the mix here: this starts out on… no-no, this won't stand: it can't be demoted to bottom-of-the-bin status so click on over to catch the rightful review (to be posted this Tuesday, October 20).
Quality   13.4 / 20
There's a reason these got lopped together : they deserve each other.

Perfect Halloween handouts.

Reviewed October 15, 2015


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