
Almendra Blanca

by Goodnow Farms
Info Details
Country USA   
Type Semi-Dark   
Strain Hybrid   
Source Mexico   (Tabasco; Hacienda Jesus Maria)
Flavor Twang   
Style retro-American      
The kind of stuff consumed by Superbarrio, real-life wrestling hero.

Appearance   4.7 / 5
Color: Nut Seed: dark scarlet 'n grey shells
Dark Bar: gorgeous papaya-rose
Bar with Almonds: blanched rouge
Surface: Nut Seed: a pack of flat-tops
Bars: near perfect
Temper: Nut Seed: life's a bitch peeling these
Bars: calm
Snap: Bars: the sound of fortitude
Aroma   8 / 10
Nut Seed -- a sweat sock in a laundry mat inside a locker room... whew

Dark Bar -- sweet sapling pools into another of Goodnow's now-patented concentrated marmalades

Bar with Almonds -- exudes its namesake (Almendra) inclusions (almond)
Mouthfeel   12.4 / 15
Texture: Nut Seed: soft yet...
Bars: built like its Snap foretold
Melt: Nut Seed: ... coarse
Bars: long distance runners like the Tarahumara in Mexico’s Barrancas del Cobre
Flavor   41.2 / 50
Nut Seed -- savory cocoa-latte -> onboard vanilla -> fleeting anise -> almond milk
Pure pleasure for a Nib

Dark Bar -- direct hit on mango -> quickly shifts to tannic cocoa -> undying citrus (targete marigold) -> peat-nuts -> gets Mex (cacti juice / agave / napoles -- sour barberry) -> mecaxochitl (Piper sanctum) -> clear stringent grip to the exit

Bar with Almonds -- those citric spasms in the Dark Bar (above) up against crushed almonds & the winner -- twang -- despite only 60% cacáo-content -> finishes out OJ-Almond Milk
Quality   15.7 / 20
Nut Seed -- encases latencies gleaned in the Dark Bar & checks them.

Dark Bar (Batch #1025) -- par for this origin's course: prickly. Goodnow backs off the processing for an allotment that mandates a bit more (sugar + flavor development) to this 77% cacáo-content.

Bar with Almonds (Batch #1026) -- awkward / forced.

Nut Seed -- whole seed
Bar: cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter (for Flavored Bar add roasted almonds)

Reviewed December 7, 2017


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